The Constant: Humility: 36 Days of Devotion

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36 Days of Devotion: The Constant: Humility

36 Days of Devotion. November 2021

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The Constants I have been working over the last few days on a frequency that I can only call the indwelling of the Compassionate Presence, God.

Spirit has given me the name The Constants in the form of a simple prayer. The Constants provide an indwelling frequency, a reconnecting to the indwelling frequencies of God within us, the Divine, the Divinity.


The Compassionate Presence infused within me this simple prayer:

As I breathe in, I AM Present.

As I breath out, I AM Here


It is the humility of being present. Not the humility of being conquered or suppressed or being brought to your knees by any circumstance, person, emotion, or value system


The presence of humility is the presence of darling I am here is Thich Nan Hahn says.

This Constant is a humbling of allowing the noise to become diminished and secondary thus allowing yourself to be forefront. In front and Inside. So, as we begin our practice of these 36 days of Devotion, we are engaging in a reconnection to our indwelling presence The Compassionate Presence that is the Source within us.

Today, as we bow our heads, place our hands on our heart and come into Oneness, know that there is no seeking.  Source is always present.  Let’s let go and let God become present.

it became apparent that there is a need to be reintroduced to the knowing to the knowing indwelling of the presence of the Divinity.  This devotion is bringing ourselves into the space and saying to God darling, I am present.

my most precious, precious God I AM Present.  Let my will be thy will.


See and hearing our fellow men, children,, spouses, neighbors or lovers as an indwelling presence of divinity regardless of the noise.  I see people with the opposite point of view, as Divinity Itself.

I AM Humbled as I lovingly say, I AM Present.  I AM Here.  My Love. I Am Present. I AM Here.


When we are in The Compassionate Presence we become The Constant Peace as humility r our Oneness.



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