It's Just You & Me, Listening Deeply

Contemplation. Breathing. Partnering.

Listening Deeply is a one-hour contemplative session. Our time together is to assist you in slowing, calming, preparing, and honoring your feelings. A mindful approach, Listening Deeply, allows you to feel what you are feeling, right now, in this moment. You are encouraged to be present within each breath without judgment.

The Listening Deeply session features the Four Sacred Qi® Activations for Contemplative Living.

  • I Breathe:  Entryway into peace and calming.
  • I Sit: Entryway into spiritual inquiry. Acknowledge worrying and access discernment.
  • I Pray: Entryway into shifting language into supportive, life affirming keywords and phrases.
  • I Live:  Entryway into being present in each moment with integrity and grace.

You Can.

Illness induces changes in the perception of who you are and can shake the foundation of your inner belief system. There are so many developing stories in our life’s journey.  At times, self-talk creates a dominate chapter that converges into fear.  Am I doing the right thing? Am I making the right decision.  Is there another way?  What if? How can I? What happens when….

  • You Can… Create refuge and sanctuary.
  • You Can... Sit with the changes and figure out how you feel.
  • You Can… Be honest about how you want to live in this moment.
  • You Can… Nurture and be nurturing as you navigate the many decisions and choices to be made.
  • You Can… Cry. Love.  Hold On. And, have Grace.

Contemplative Care Partnership provides a page turning plot twist. Your new chapter brings new perspective. Listening Deeply, within the context of Contemplative Care Partnership, creates spaciousness and hopefully a breath of fresh air.

How? How do I care for myself with compassion and understand?

Sometimes it is simply sitting, quietly and creating a space to think things through.

I Just Need Someone to Talk Too.

I can't tell you how many times my heart cried for this. Contemplation is spiritual inquiry. It is a way to process the stress and worry converting this confusion into understanding and caring.  This is accomplished through talking, breathing, sitting in meditation and receiving insight. It is a devotion to self-care and self-empowerment. Hopefully, we create a space for you to work things through with honor and dignity.

  • How are you? What feelings are present that influences your experiences or the decisions that you have to make? Are you writing a story in your head that is creating judgement, predetermined endings, or bad feelings?


  • How is this story supporting you? Is it beneficial?


  • What does a positive, heart centered support system look like, feel like? How do you feel about taking action that nurtures change, shift, outcomes?


  • What is your path to healing? Can healing be present? What prohibits your ability to heal? How would your healing feel?


This is a lot. The shift can happen in one session or it may take an evolution.

Inhale. Pause just for a moment.

Exhale. Close your eyes.


Be Mindful.

If you feel that a Contemplative Care Partner may help you.

For The Caring Place Registered Participants

Please schedule a FREE Listening Deeply session with Mercedes.  Email NIKKI RUDY

The Caring Place, Las Vegas, provides services and support for adults touched by cancer. You must be a registered Caring Place participant to receive these free Listening Deeply sessions.

To become a registered participant of The Caring Place, call Nikki Rudy at (702) 735-8434.


Sensitive to having a need. Conflicted about how to provide service and maintain my own vitality.

The tiered pricing levels are an attempt to honor both you and I.

Guidance has long directed me to  "Allow space for G~D to work and to be present here."

Please take a moment to pray before selecting the level of investment for your session. Do not overextend.

Stay within your capacity and capability.


This Is Divine Action.

The I AM, for you and for me, is To Receive. BE Receiving. And To BE The Receiver.

I Receive.  I AM Receiving.  I Have Received.  I AM THE Receiver.

Receive and Allow.



This level of investment you are supported and this blessing allows me to receive sustenance for the exchange.



This level of investment is my normal fee.  You are supporting my vibrancy. This blessing allows me to have the funds for living expenses.  Also supports normal business fees like website memberships, licenses, operations and maintenance.



This level of investment allows for growth (once sustainability is attained). You are a supporter of the purpose.  This blessing allows me to get the help I need to be efficient and rested.





Interested In Sacred Qi®  Sacred Soul Ignitions?

Visit: Sacred Soul Ignitions, Information, Descriptions & Pricing

Mercedes Warrick is the Guiding Facilitator of Breathing Deeply groups and Listening Deeply individual, personal consultations.  The Caring Place sessions are offered as part of her course of study, The Foundations of Contemplative Care Partnership through The New York Zen Center.