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The Second Hardest Thing I Do

My health, buoyed by new medications, has had a steep and dramatic turn for the better.  Now with the new skills, growth and insights I will move into providing those conversations, supporting the inner*power*ment of patients and as always facilitating the journeys to your wisdom sanctuaries of refuge and solace.  I want to pray with you.

It is time to prepare for my graduation travels to The New York Zen Center, Garrison Retreat Complex. Simply put it is time to raise, earn and ask for help to pay for the expenses of this course and my upcoming travel.

It is extraordinary to be in this meditative mind of preparation.  Quiet.  Reflective.  Feeling naked and accomplished at the same time. Filled with the experience of stepping forward when faced with uncertainty.  This journey began for me when I was told that I was on the last category of medications, this has since changed.  At the time, I was preparing to die.  There was no professional aid in assisting with the conversations that I wanted to have.  When I would say I want to, "live through dying."  I want to treat my dying progression as a part of a living life cycle. It would upset the medical providers.  One social worker would say to me that, "You are not crazy Mercedes, we are not trained to have these types of conversations." I understand that this may be hard for you to read.

My health, buoyed by new medications, has had a steep and dramatic turn for the better.  Now with the new skills, growth and insights I will move into providing those conversations, supporting the inner*power*ment of patients and as always facilitating the journeys to your wisdom sanctuaries of refuge and solace.  I want to pray with you.

You can contribute two ways.

First, a dollar donation of your choice. DONATE CASH

Second, donate $99.00 and receive A Call To Presence, a 3 CD set.

A Call to Presence is meditations, discourse and breath sequences on the theme




Let Me Be The Love....

And let.... LOVE ... PEACE ... MERCY & HEALING begin with me.

This three disc presentation guides us towards being the embodiment of

the very precious energies that can shape our lives, communities and the

world.  A Call to Presence provides dialogue, things to ponder, contemplations and some joy,

toning and humming to allow our daily living to be a presence of compassion and healing.

Let Me Be The Love I wish to See in The World... And Let It Begin With Me.


Your donation of $99.00 will help me travel to New York for the final project and Graduation

from the Compassion Care Partnership program conduct by The New York Zen Center.

A Call to Compassion set has 3 CDs. BE The Love. Beyond & Only. Catch The Waves. The Sequences.

Asking is the second hardest thing that I do.  The exchange of dynamic flow, giving and receiving as a spiritual practice and as a practical necessity. Not surprisingly our precept to study for the February is... Do not Be Stingy.  Being generous includes allowing the receiving of blessings, simple words and actions, and modest care of self and others.  In my personal practice this is called spiritual circulation.  If I do not ask and receive, give and accept then the flow of spiritual energy and life is blocked.  I become a blockage.  Asking is a spiritual practice.  My heart is open to receive.

What is the first hardest thing? Well that is a discourse for another day.

Thank you for your consideration.

I value your presence here.

