When Caring for My Self Became a Ministry of Self Kindness & Devotion: Sacred Qi Living

As I began to come into a quiet acceptance of what was going on, there was a softness that became present.

It was not a surrender. It was acceptance. I could spend my “remaining” time fighting or I could spend my time living.


I did begin to surrender worry. I did surrender people who were not in alignment with my process. I surrendered myself into sitting in the sunlight and letting the warmth drench my newly bald head.
I ate to live. It was part of my personal prescription. I cussed when the pressure or the fear overtook a moment.


As the bits and pieces of my divine self care began to flow through I without exception did what I was instructed. Then there were the parts I did not understand and the teachers, in life and on YouTube, appeared. I began to feel alive for the first time in years. I AM THE HAPPIEST I HAVE EVER BEEN. I had a spiritual practice or discipline before yet now, with this attunement to divine love there was a peace and a confidence of knowing the Divine intimately.
What you experience; and it is an experience not a system, is uniquely your own Soul’s good for you. Life Force is R>E>A>L.  Realized Energy Actualized in Life.  It flows.  It expands and It dissipates.  It is catalyzed through Love, which is the tangible component and, it contracts when fear is present. We can unifying through the Life Force because its makeup is the same within everyone and everything. Because we are made of the Essence of love we can sit in Love, in Life Force, as neutral territory and exist together for our brief moments of communion. Being here is a sacred space. This Sacred Qi is The Energy of sacredness Itself. And, your devotion to Self becomes the flow of life known to you as Divinity with Grace.


I want to be known as a compassionate observer. I don’t want the title “expert” or “consultant” or anything that might suggest that I am here to fix something. Rather I observe, take those observations into spiritual inquiry, sit allow my Soul to speak, come in spiritual discernment and alignment, then act, speak, teach or guide. BE with IT.

This process is enhanced through patience. Because where there is patience there is peace and love. As friction is present usually so is worry, fear, complacency, judgment and anger. Maybe even hate.

In being a compassionate observer the I AM is always present. The I AM becomes known. The I AM is living. The I AM is real.

Radiant Soul Balancing and I AM LOVE I AM are the foundational Learnings received through Guidance. I Reap What I Sow is the intentional confirmation and contemplation which guides the basis for interaction, transformation and regeneration on all levels. Divine Evolution brought me into an understanding of Soul’s role, interaction and communication as a living spiritual lifestyle.


Let’s talk about the words, “living spiritual lifestyle.” This is a basis for bringing the expression of the divine into daily living in very practical ways. Listening and waiting. Knowing all is life, love and Force when you don’t have either the time or circumstance to “go inward and meditate on ‘it’.”


This was and continues to be my nakedness. It’s a vulnerable and raw place. I was brought to this place to discover The Learnings and to realize the subtle frequencies of Source. We all come here with Divinity. It’s time rediscover Peace.


May you know the Divine intimately.
Namaste Blessings.