Sacred Soul Ignition: Easter 2023

posted in: Blog, Sacred Soul Ignition

The Sacred Soul Ignition for Easter 2023. April 9, 2023. There are all of these things that we think make up Life, when in fact there is only one energy, The Sacred Qi, that flows through the continuity of all of us.

The Life. The Sacred Qi is the actualized sameness within us all. We are the conduit of the Sacred Qi. The Life. The Love. The Light. And, The Liberty. This is the flow of the eternal sameness within us. No matter the belief, discipline, lifestyle or culture, the energy of Life flows deeply through the veins of our shared humanity. As we move through the Holy seasons, remember the Sacred Life. Bring peace to all men and actualize, make real, the knowing that our sameness realizes peace. Our sameness realizes that we are never alone.

The Sacred Qi allows us to BE each other. It is the energy of life, and we are its vase. We are its flow. As we appreciate and celebrate the Holy seasons know that we area the vessel of Life that actualizes. On this Easter day, may we reflect The Eternal Living Christ, through our actions, thoughts and prayers bring Peace.

Om. I AM. Amen.

Blessings BE Unto You.


The Radiant Soul Balancing: I AM The Bridge to All Life. As I see you. I See Me.


The Sacred Soul Ignitions are symbols and prompts that Mercedes received via a transmission from her Guidance.  These symbols create an intuitive narrative for reflection and contemplation.