The Mindfulness of Healing

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The Restoration and The Revelation

Blessing BE Unto You.

The Mindfulness of Healing. Over the last 18 months of uncertainty and experimentation, my medical condition has finally stabilized and and my health is once again vibrant.  During this time I learned that the way I have been sharing my insights is not functional.  At one point I was so weak that I was not able to do my spiritual practices in my usual way. It was very difficult to find what I was looking for to support myself.  My sister had even said, "You need to do a you to you." Yet, I was barely lifting my head off of my pillow.

I have started The Mindfulness of Healing YouTube channel.  It will bring my insights and intuitive practices into one place. It will be searchable so that people who may be searching for spiritual support during chronic and life changing illness may find this information and hopefully, be helped, comforted and supported. The Mindfulness of Healing is an associate program of my website.  Sacred Qi is the venue for my educational programs, spiritual immersions and As One Womb initiatives.

The Mindfulness of Healing channel will have meditations, insights, my stories and lifestyle practices that fortify a spiritual nature.  There was a point during this last transitional time that I did not have the strength to pray and meditate.  What got me through were my recordings that were on my cellphone. This was a very private and vulnerable time.

Please visit and explore The Mindfulness of Healing Channel.  Subscribe.  Like.  Comment. This is a new beginning.

Thank you for your presence.