CO Cooperation  Collaboration  Communication Community Compassion  Conviction Communion  Collective  Oneness 

HEART Allness  Love  Grace  Mercy  Kindness  Discernment  Authenticity  Curiosity Encouragement Presence  Care Truth  Knowing

ARTISTRY Wholeness  Expression  Creation  Experience  Unique Evolution  Individual  Enchantment

Within our space of everyday living the opportunity is to move from our head space into our heartscape and be IN  Peace, Grace and Contentment. How we do this is uniquely our own.  This is COHEARTISTRY. 

COHEARTISTY is a way of being together in communion.  Our  communions generally about 6 to 12 people in number.  There will be a subject matter or theme that brings us into synergy and companionship.  For example, The Cancer Communion for people who have experienced or are experiencing cancer.  The Spirituality & Social Consciousness Communion for people who want to hold space for issues concerning humanity and our planet.  Each session is comprised of using the Four Activations for Sacred Qi® Self Care, Healing & Compassion as the core elements.  From there the artistry begins.  In COHEARTISTRY this can be anything from journaling, art, prose, confirmative prayer, contemplation and meditation.

1+1 = 3

Early in my spiritual unfolding I had a Learning from my Guidance.  We are always creating through our daily interactions with everything.  As I look at a painting. As my feet touch the ground. As I construct the activities of my day.  As I shop for my groceries.  There is a cacophony of sights, sounds, textures, reactions, experiences and expressions.  Within a Communion it is the same. We flow, more, discover, and share through the empathy of our shared experience.  Some art, music and merrymaking can be involved. In this introduction stage we craft our sit, breath, prayer and living through the space that evolves through each gathering - ours CoHearts. These gatherings do not have a specified goals.  There maybe no "completion." Rather, we flow through each moment. Each moment becomes present.

Recently our Inflowing was, I AM as, as I AM Is in this moment. This became the prompt.  A rich meditation and contemplation poured into the Communion.

♥ Our devotional time is the genesis.

♥ We have a shared experience.

♥ We meet weekly or bi-weekly.

♥ We meet through Zoom.

♥ Each session is approximately 75 to 90 minutes in length.

♥ Groups are approximately kept to 8 - 12 people.