Ministry is Within You

The ministry is within you. This is the flow of living. I woke up in shadow. As my eyes closed in my morning devotion I could feel the weight. The fear it contained. It had been lingering in the depths for a few days. The funkiness of it was creating an off-ness that didn’t make sense and seemed unreal. This morning though it was … Read More

Is This Worth My Peace?

Is this worth my Peace? Is anything worth your Peace? When I first experienced Radiant Soul Balancing there was a depth of Peace that I had not experienced in my living, human space. Peace. Like I had a good night’s deep sleep and was carrying it forward to my living for that day. When I experienced this depth of Peace… Anger hurt. Physically hurt … Read More

A Living Devotional Practice Is…

A living devotional practice is bringing awareness, consciousness and spiritual activities into your everyday living.  The Living Devotions become the axioms of your lifestyle.  Each living devotional practice should be easy, peaceful and nurturing.  Often it can be as easy as an adjustment through the breath, praying the simple prayer or refocusing your sight line. A living devotional practice concentrates on cultivating life force … Read More

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