AM I Addicted to Chaos?

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Peace BE Here

Are We Addicted to Chaos?

Blessings. Blessings.  Blessings BE Unto You.


The question came through very loud and clear.  Mercedes, are you addicted to the chaos?  As the events of the world are unfolding with many wars across the globe, the American elections and the climate tragedies, the energy in the air is tumultuous at best. My friends are expressing that we/they are holding onto what we each believe is “The Good.”  My circle has various gifts and the prayers and healings have been focused as each has offered service to what has been called, “The Collective Humanity.”

For me, the vision had emerged back during the fires in Hawaii in August 2023. As world events unfolded, as the media and polls of the American election seem to want us to be riveted and ratcheted, my swaying with every rally or school shooting, climate event or personal challenge has become prominent in my psyche.  Guidance has been clear.  The Healing is in The Patience.  Still though I have watched more commentary and news than I ever have.  I have felt anxious, sometimes so nervous that I feel bathed in the collective anxiousness. A few days ago, I heard, “Mercedes are you addicted to chaos?”

The Learnings began and I am going to share the breath sequence with you through a video that will be posted on The Sacredness of Healing and Sacred Qi channels on YouTube.

Two words formed the framework.  Intentional Detachment.  It has been a rollout.  It has not come in one sitting.  I would encourage you to be patient.  As you Sit, Contemplate and Meditate and as these learnings become yours… be gentle.  We, collectively as a country, community, circle and communion did not get here overnight.  This consciousness or the consciousness that you have been living with through the collective has been seeping in and creeping up on us. I wonder if it is pervasive enough that we would not know how to live without it.  Do we have a collective with a yearning for Divine Peace, kindness, love and grace large enough to hold sacred ground and shine The Light?  Do we have post traumatic stress from the events that unfolded after the last election?


The Learnings:  BE Intentional.

Be Present with Your Heart.  Know that your innocence is a gift you give to the world.  It is innocence for we have never been in this time before.  It is this moment.  This breath.  This inhalation and then the exhalation.  Be as you are in this moment.  For it is truly pure.  Touch your Soul and be with yourself.  It is the hardest veil to touch with softness and vulnerability.  Come into the consciousness of Grace:



As I Breathe In: I AM As I AM in this moment.

As I Breathe Out:  I AM Present.


Inhale:  I AM as I AM in this moment.

Exhale:  Into Emptiness. Be Present

Release this precious life into the exhalation.  Pause.  And know where you are in this moment is grace and mercy.  For some it is joy and strength.  What it is for you, is what it is for you.  Each of us are needed.


The Learnings:  Detach.

For when we release ourselves into detachment (the next step) our Truth will soar into the Light.  The Light that is available to all.  Each of you are valuable.  Your sitting is valuable.  Release into the Light.  Dissolve into the Light.  Send your Truth into the Light.  Be in The Light.  Be with The Light.  As you sit, you are as The Light.

We Love you very deeply.

Blessings BE Unto You.




Breathe In, Pause, Become Present.

As I Breath Out: I release (Emotion or Feeling). Example:  I release fear.

As I Breathe In: I dissolve fear.

As I Breathe Out: I send fear into the light.

As I Breathe In: I AM As I AM in this moment.


SIT. Rest. As you become present…

As I Breathe In: I receive the Light.

As I Breath Out: I AM The Light.



As you come into completion of your SIT.

Breathe In:  I AM As I AM in this moment.

Breathe Out:  I AM As I AM in this moment.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

May you know the Divine Intimately.








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