WOW! Loving You Through Social Media. NEW TIMES, NEW HEART CONNECTION


The Guidance is busy.  I’m just trying to keep up!

How are you weathering this new climate.  Each of us has the opportunity to do something really good for ourselves.  What a time!  Rest, rejuvenation and realness.  I have had plenty of laughter, some concerns and some real tears as there are so many individual stories unfolding.  As we move through these times, I am holding my space with a prayer that I show up appropriately for each person and situation.  I hope you are taking care of yourself.

Social media, Zoom, the telephone have been connecting points.  I now have a Zoom teleconference account.  I taught my last two sessions of I AM LOVE I AM via Zoom.  It was different; however, these were two other the most poignant sessions that I had experienced as a teacher.  The breakthroughs were vulnerability and discovery.  So while I am adapting, I am looking forward to moving forward with some real human-to-human hugs.

I send Blessings.  Receive everything the you require.  Love and nurturing to you and your families.


Here’s my growth and development. When you look below you will see that I have been busy.  Again, Thank You to everyone that has, Bought Me A Bag of Groceries.  It’s real.  It’s appreciated.  What you see below is part of the end product.

A friend of mine said, “I don’t like that Buy Me A Bag of Groceries.” thing you are doing.  Well, I do.  It’s real and you probably get it.  My hope is to become more financially secure.  I am working hard at it.  Free online services, like free photo licenses, have, “buy the photographer a cup of coffee.”   So onward.  If I want to emerge in a way that can feel good about:  This is it.  From this point forward while I will have some set fee based programs.  The Living Sacred Qi Community Circle will be on a Pay-From-The-Heart basis.  BECAUSE, truthfully I couldn’t have afforded me and I really needed some help. So, it’s real.  Hopefully, it won’t always be. I get to pay forward to someone as I accept what they can pay, gracefully.  So, it’s here to stay in one way or another.  BLESSINGS…. THANK YOU FOR BLESSING ME.


I was in channel on Facebook and the words kept repeating:  BE BEFORE I DO.

I sat in contemplation and felt like I was to design this group to be a compilation of inspirations, meditations, beautiful imaginary and more.  It has really turned out to be quite a spiritual toolkit of resources and community.  On Mondays, we do a community communion where the members contribute a line and I edit into our contemplation /prayer for the week.  We are three weeks in and our membership is just over 200 people.  If you are on Facebook, please join us there.  I would be so happy to have your contributions and your heart there.  There is a lot of good vibes and good, spirit-based people are present.  BE BEFORE I DO ON FACEBOOK


Action, Awareness & Anchoring is happening as I continue to download and design Sacred Qi.  The movement towards the Living Sacred Qi Community Circle is being revealed, download by download.  Some days I do a little and some days I do A LOT!  Thank you to each of you who have bought me a bag of groceries.  I am going this quarantine time with a relatively easy heart and that means the creative juices are flowing.  This week, the new classes will be prepared.  I am looking forward to telling you about them.

The website is:  Sacred Qi.  Please visit and explore.  The goal is to offer the Awareness that I have come into via this journey.  Also, there will be an actual community where we will be in practice, communion and support through whatever life you / we may be going through.  This will be a subscription based service where there will be some variable, PAY-FROM-THE-HEART, levels.  Believe me I get it!  You need somewhere to get some loving, learning or you may need to lean into something. This Living Sacred Qi are for people who would say I live through GOD, through my heart, even in this time.

Sacred Qi: Spiritual Energy, Therapies & Support

Living Sacred Qi on Instagram


I am working towards getting 100 subscribers.  I’m 28 people short!

Here are some of the most recent First Thoughts of The Day on video!

These are Not Uncertain Times:  4:38

Reconnecting With Your Inner Guru  10:38

What is We Approach This Time Like Nothing Has to Be Fixed?  3:28

We Create Consciousness

Soul Enrichment vs Spiritual Education

Blessings.  Love.  Light. Compassion.