• Pause. Close Your Eyes....

    Please Take a Moment to Breathe!

  • Namaste Blessings. Welcome


CO Cooperation  Collaboration  Communication Community Compassion  Conviction Communion  Collective  Oneness  HEART Allness  Love  Grace  Mercy  Kindness  Discernment  Authenticity  Curiosity Encouragement Presence  Care Truth  Knowing ARTISTRY Wholeness  Expression  Creation  Experience  Unique Evolution  Individual  Enchantment

Within our space of everyday living the opportunity is to move from our head space into our heartscape and be IN  Peace, Grace and Contentment. How we do this is uniquely our own.  This is COHEARTISTRY. 





The symbols that are the Sacred Soul Ignitions were gifted to me through Spirit.  One day as I was arriving at my waking state all of these symbols started rolling into my consciousness.  Each as served as inspiration, a gentle reminder and a point of prompting into creative solution design and moving me pass my thinking into capabilities beyond my imagination.  Currently there are 77 symbols that are available.  Arranged through a patterning of the four Casual Forces: Love, Life, Liberty and Light, each session sparks exploration, discernment and spiritual inquiry.  Moving you beyond the headspace into the heartscape of learning, blessings, discernment, divine right order and creativity. 






There are times that we just want someone to talk with.  These sessions titled, "Listening Deeply," use the practices of Contemplative Care Partnership.  The idea is to be in spiritual inquiry, vulnerability and contemplation to access the Wisdom that is contained within.  What is alive for you in this moment.  Let's sit with it in contemplation and meditation.  These sessions may include breathwork, energy therapy, and qi gong.  Creatively, confirmative blessings and prayers may also emerge.  Silence is part of the experience.  The Four Activations for Sacred Qi® Self Care, Compassion and Healing  are the foundation elements of any session presented at Sacred Qi®







My passion is to create experiences that  teach you to trust your divine connection to the Creative Source within you. This communion is a trusting relationship.  It expands your intuitive knowing, innate talents and  trust in the intuitive emergence that bubbles up from within you.

My purpose is simply to teach. I teach intuitively through Guidance.  I am a spiritual intuitive.  Based on my life’s experiences, like cancer and more, I understand if you are going through some “life.”  Life, that makes you delve into places within you that you didn’t know you had, like strength, tenacity, gumption and love.  In my world this is called a spiritual awakening.  What is here is definitely life awaken and renewed. Here within this sacred space are my lessons and insights gleaned through over a decade of spiritual awakening. I know ALL of us have an innate gift, much of which can only be experienced through living life.






We Are One Light!


We are Intentionally Divine. Every Breath is a Devotion.  Every Word is a Prayer.

Generally, we have two things in common. 

First: We have a deep and sacred spiritual lifestyle - or you want to develop knowing how to go inward. Inward is our peaceful place.   You know that there is a Source within you and A Source that nurtures and supplies you.  As Above So Below. So Within, So Without, may be one of your prayers. The friends that you are vulnerable with are small circle rather than a throng of casual acquaintances.  They may get you but not totally yet they care deeply for you. 

Second, The Sacred Qi, the heart energy, of your beliefs are a lifestyle. Authenticity is a lifestyle.  Love is a lifestyle.  Compassion is a lifestyle.  Grace is a lifestyle.  Thankfulness is a lifestyle. These are the moral fibers that move you into your heart before you venture outward into your living..  Life is Sacred Qi. Time spent towards being in Life Frequency is a treasure to be cultivated, nourished, and embraced.  The Divine, I have found, lives here, in each moment and within each of our breaths. Every Breath is a devotion to BEing Divinely Human.


You have what you need to travel any journey that becomes present. I know this moment can feel like life is shifting the ground beneath your feet in ways that seem permanent and inflexible.  I know that the clique is, "change is always happening. Change is good. This is human design.

God / Higher Power  / The Divine is the only constant. Source Energy never changes.

No matter how much you prepared, it feels like you couldn't have prepared for this.

If it is time

  • To be in community
  • To be in devotion,
  • To hold your spiritual ground.
  • To reconnect and be in regeneration and contemplation. 
  • To be in spiritual practice consistently and purposefully.
  • To expand, explore and lean into living sacredly....

Then you are in the right place.

Explore these pages on Sacred Qi® to make an informed, heart-centered choice to join us in communion and community.

Namaste Blessings.

May You Know The Divine Intimately.


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Free Meditation: Connect to Your Sacred Qi Promise(click here)
Contact Mercedes (click here)






Four Activations for Sacred Qi® Self Care, Compassion & Healing


Entryway into peace and calming.


Entryway into the heart-scape.


Entryway into acceptance, alignment and allowance.


Entryway into being present in each moment with integrity and grace.


As we sit together in circle the synergy of a shared experience energizes and supports. I AM as You Are. You Are as I AM. I listen through a compassionate heart. We are here together sharing and  understanding. 


I, Mercedes Warrick, am not a medical doctor and do not practice medicine. I do not diagnose, cure, heal, treat disease or otherwise prescribe medication. I assist people in harmonizing energetic imbalances in their bio-field that assists the body to release its innate healing ability. When the energy of the body is balanced and moving correctly, the body’s innate natural energy heals itself. All healing is self-healing. I recommend that clients continue to see their regular medical doctors and follow their advice and my work is a complement to regular allopathic medicine. My spiritual energy work is not a substitute for conventional medical diagnosis or treatment for any medical or psychological condition. For such issues, you should seek the proper licensed physician or healthcare professional. I am a energy therapist and my work is spiritually based and I believe all healing is spiritual in nature. I do not make any promises, warranties or guarantees about results of my work or of the energy sessions. The energy sessions help many people but like any modality it won't work for everyone.